- Batch eFile Processing
- Save you time, money, and headaches
- Make Efiling court documents a few clicks rather than multiple steps
- Scrub ALL metadata
- Ensure compliance with Eportal
- Integrate with Microsoft Word & Adobe Acrobat
- Work as standalone
- Merge Exhibits Automatically
- File with clerk what is provided
- Send email for service
- Comply with all rules regarding Efiling
- File EXACTLY what is provided
- Correct, modify, or change your documents
- Change any text or format of your pleadings
- File anything not provided by the attorney
- Mail items that are not efiled (i.e. interrogatories, responses to production)
How does eFileMadeEasy work?
With Microsoft WORD – After you create your pleading in Word, you simply click on the eFileMadeEasy button, and everything is basically automated from that point. The file is prepared, scrubbed of all metadata, OCR’d, and made fully compliant with the Eportal rules.
With Adobe Acrobat – If your document is a scanned .PDF, it must be OCR’d before you can efile it. eFileMadeEasy will not allow a non-OCR document to be efiled. Once the file is OCR’d, a simple click on a button in Adobe Acrobat will automate the process from there.
With Windows – Don’t use Microsoft Word, no problem. eFileMadeEasy allows you to add files with simple drag and drop to be efiled. You can use any word processor (OpenOffice, WordPerfect, LibreOffice, etc.) and save the document to .PDF. You can then drag and drop the .PDF file into eFileMadeEasy and file from there.
When your file is prepared, it is processed on your computer to ensure compliance and security standards. The file is then securely transmitted to eFileMadeEasy where the document is efiled, the email is prepared with the appropriate attachments, and the process is completed.
Can Exhibits be efiled through eFileMadeEasy?
OF COURSE! Exhibits are handled in two ways: incorporated into the pleading, or separately. Since some clerks want exhibits incorporated into the pleading, and others want exhibits separate (i.e. Pinellas County requires exhibits to be filed separately) you can determine how exhibits are filed. If you want the exhibits filed as part of the document, eFileMadeEasy will “merge” the exhibits with the pleading and automatically insert a separator page between each exhibit. If you want your exhibits filed as separate documents, you simply place the exhibits in the eFileMadeEasy window, put them in order, and file them with the document. The exhibits will then be filed separately and numbered.
Is eFileMadeEasy Secure?
The entire process is MORE SECURE than the web portal itself. Our process is completely ARMORED from beginning to end. All communications are fully SSL encrypted with a certified SSL certificate and the largest key commercially provided, your password is fully encrypted using RSA keys, and all files are prepared according to the standards established by the Florida procedural rules.
Is the efiling uniform across all Florida Counties?
Unfortunately, each clerk from each county has latitude in making filing determinations. This leads to frustrating filing differences among counties. Some counties want exhibits attached to the document, and other counties require the documents to be filed as separate filings.
Do you help draft and prepare legal documents?
No. eFileMadeEasy only files the documents you have prepared. We cannot help with preparation, drafting, or formatting any legal pleadings. We cannot provide any legal advice on the contents of the legal documents. The pleading must be prepared by the user.